Auto bzw Mechaniker Website?
Guten Abend,
weiß von euch zufällig wer wie die Website heißt bei der man sich dass jeweilige Auto in die Einzelteile zerlegt anzeigen lassen kann und die Teile auch gleich über die Website bestellen kann? Danke im Vorraus LG
What you mean is explosion drawing. These are sorted by each kfz beautifully in subgroups and divided into individual parts. There’s a motor just got 30 pages in the catalog, etc. There is nothing like this on any website but exactly where there are spare parts. If you don’t know what you need, you should go there. Otherwise, in the case of wear parts, you will be very easy on the net without drawing. All that is built specifically for a manufacturer or type, you almost do not get on the free market and can contact the manufacturer