Auto abmelden wenn es über meinen Ehemann läuft?

Mein Mann ist ständig berufstätig und wir müssen morgen zur Kfz Zulassungsstelle gehen. Auf dem Kfz Schein steht der Name von meinem Mann kann er mir eine Vollmacht geben oder muss er persönlich dabei sein und das Fahrzeug abzumelden? Wir haben das Auto an meine Mutter verkauft sie wird es dann auf sich zu lassen.

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2 years ago

You can unsubscribe with registration certificate Part 1, the license plate and your ID.

But your mother can also report it directly, so you save the way.

2 years ago

Yeah, he can give you authority.

2 years ago

Only to unsubscribe you do not need authorization, but only registration certificate 1 and license plates.

But it will be cheaper for you if your mother simply re-registers the vehicle with her documents. It then needs the registration certificate 1+2, the registration number, the EVB number of the insurance company, the last HU report, its perso and the car tax receipt. Whether an appointment is necessary, she has to look at the official page or call.

2 years ago

He can give you a power of attorney, preferably his ID.

2 years ago

it only needs certificate I and II and Tüv and Hu certificate.

the buyer needs no more, no purchase contract or anything else.

2 years ago

see if you can do it online. the theater doesn’t need it.