Auto abgeschleppt, wer muss zahlen?
Einen schönen guten Tag,
ich habe mir im September letzten Jahres einen Gebrauchtwagen geholt, hat 100k runtergehabt, lief aber bestens. Bis er seit einigen Tagen bisschen lauter wurde und nun gestern hab ich ihn abschleppen lassen müssen. (Von meinem Autohaus) Mein Händler hat mir direkt angeboten es mitzunehmen weil ein Kollege in der Nähe war. Autohaus ist 30-35 km~ entfernt. Nun meine Frage, dummerweise hab ich gestern nicht gefragt ob der Spaß dann auf meine Rechnung geht. Im Internet las ich gemischte dinge, nun bin ich mir nicht sicher, fällt das in die Gewährleistung des Verkäufers, sodass er die Kosten für Transport trägt, oder landet es bei mir? In meiner abgeschlossenen Garantie steht zu dem Thema zumindest nichts.
Autohaus ist heute leider nicht mehr erreichbar, deswegen frag ich erstmal hier:)
Bin dankbar für alle antworten.
Einen schönen Tag.
If the workshop has its own towing vehicle, it could be that they don’t charge you any costs.
But if a colleague was already on the spot, he could have checked on the spot whether towing is necessary and was necessary.
So call the workshop tomorrow and tell them.
For the first time, you probably pay it yourself, but you can request it. Normally, the towing costs can be taken at a certain level from the car. – Reimburse insurance if you submit the invoice of the towing company and it is covered by the policy or the protection letter. However, I recommend that you call the car house tomorrow and clarify whether it does not include the guarantee or whether it is more of an insurance case.
From my point of view, ADAC needs no one seriously, as the car insurance companies offer protection letters, whose range of services is comparable – in cooperation with automobile clubs. Overall, ADAC is too expensive and to me personally too political, from the debates about manipulated elections at the car price “Gelber Engel” we don’t even talk at all.
So do I.
If a security letter has been completed with reasonable insurance benefits, that is enough.
My brother had to be dragged off last year and received 200 euros without standing after submitting the bill to the insurance company. It worked well. The ADAC is certainly good, but you pay a lot of services that usually do not require a driver. The times in which ADAC provided support or truly competent advice have been over since the 1990s.
I still have the so-called “mobilo life” guarantee from Mercedes thanks to complete maintenance, but never used at 275,800 kilometers.
Yes, this is my good old metallic green C180 Classic W202 from April 1997. I never wanted to keep this for so long, but the car just doesn’t break and is very reliable and economical. I’m still very happy with it and drive it daily. The car is excellently maintained and well in shot, has never had major repairs except wear parts and typical W202 problems (coolers, track rod heads, once already in 2004 the ignition lock, 2008 light engine) It has no oil consumption, is technically and visually very good, but it has two, three small rust points – which I no longer do because of age. The car is so old that it can smell.
That’s why I’ve separated myself from it several years ago.
Then it must be an older piece of jewelry.
It’s just called Mobilo.
Hi, the towing is not under warranty. If you have completed a mobility guarantee, it would be responsible.
Otherwise you would have to pay, but maybe the dealer is kulant.
If there is a lack of material that was already present when buying, which makes the towing necessary for the purpose of repair, then this already falls into the warranty. If…
Was the car house that dragged off the seller? If so, it could run under cunning or warranty.
The one who commissioned towing also pays the bill. So you.
Just the same car house where my car was bought. So far they were very cunning when something was. The car house has offered it directly, and nothing of it has been mentioned, which I have to cover for it.
Because the car was ‘something louder’, did you let it go?
I recommend a adac membership that you call when the car is no longer driving, which will bring you to the workshop for free
No, it started, then the MKL lighted, was finally the ignition coil. I’ll think about it from now on. Thank you.
If there is no warranty (what no one can know here), you will pay for yourself.