Auto abgeschleppt, Rechnung?
mein Auto wurde gestern abgeschleppt ( Sonntag), und die haben mein Auto öffentlich versetzt. Der Dienst verlangt 600€ für das Abschleppen.
Ich wollte eine Rechnung haben bevor ich das Geld überweise. Die meinten zu mir sie können mir keine Rechnung ausstellen bis ich nicht gezahlt habe. Ist das rechtlich überhaupt so in Ordnung, dass ich vorher keine Rechnung bekomme.
Lg Julia
Ask your lawyer, who can also tell you if 600 € are really justified.
You mean bill, and then, at some point, who pays. This is to be paid on site or at the company. Bar or map. Then you will also receive the credit or receipt for your money and the release for the car.
Under normal circumstances, you’ll also get an invoice, kind of weird that you don’t want to do it here…
How far is the workshop gone or How far was the towway? 600 Euro is already a sum…
I don’t know who put my car off public somewhere, i.e. just parked somewhere, but don’t want to tell me where before paying.
that really sounds extremely insane, where exactly did you hire your car? Private property or in absolute prohibition, right?
You have responded extremely quickly if your car stood there for only half an hour. Is there a sign that illegally parked cars are towed?
I stand in a car park half an hour from the beverage market, but there was Sunday. I didn’t think
The tow truck retains the car as a deposit. That’s why you go in template, so further costs can be avoided, e.g. standing fees.
If you want an invoice, it may delay the issue.
There are no parking fees because they have parked my car somewhere in Munich and not in the company
Eben, the place will remain silent for the reason.
As you sign the “wipe” doesn’t matter.
You pay the amount in advance, usually you say a receipt.
That’s clear to me, but I’m legally entitled to a bill before I pay or not?
I think it’s a failure.
An invoice is a confirmation of payment when payment is made. A payment request with a cost order can probably take place beforehand.
You can request the cost item beforehand.
“An invoice is a confirmation of payment when payment is made.”
That’s nonsense and that’s not true…
That would be more of a receipt;)
really, funny what some users have for views… 😉