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2 years ago

This depends on model, maintenance, care and driving style. There is no limit. Under 100,000 km you can buy almost any car.

2 years ago

You can’t say that on a flat-rate basis… a Mercedes 200D Bar-Acht pre-chamber diesel has just arrived at 300,000km and in the blossom of his motor life.

2 years ago
Reply to  NaIchHalt09

These were still good engines

2 years ago
Reply to  SuzukiHonda91

Well… 200kg natural mass and 55 hp and 113Nm from 2l capacity, acceleration 0-100 in sweet 31 seconds, 8l consumption…

A OM 654 weighs only 169kg with the same engine capacity and delivers 194 hp and 400Nm. Expires to grow a significantly heavier W213 to 100 in under 8 seconds and only needs 6.5l.

2 years ago
Reply to  SuzukiHonda91

The disadvantage of these motors can be solved by the loving name “Wanderdüne” for the 200D. A calendar is sufficient to measure acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h.

2 years ago
Reply to  NaIchHalt09

Is not different with a Volvo 5 cylinder, whether diesel or gasoline, and there are a dozen engines that all can. So much nostalgia is not necessary.

2 years ago

A used car about 6-7 years old is often worth it.

It is then much cheaper than a new vehicle and at the same time still young enough to be driven for a few years.

With “cheap” and old used people, you’ll have to cool down the cars. There is nothing wrong with a car and after a few years the expensive repairs threaten.

2 years ago

Depends extremely on the model and from 15 years very extreme on the previous owners. Opas 25 years old, stunned Volvo 850 with 487000 km can be bought without a doubt.

I wouldn’t touch a Mazda RX 8 with 100000 km.

2 years ago

It can’t be said in general. Depends on the car and the condition

I already had a VW Golf, which was great at 340,000km