Autisten mit Adhs Mischtyp? eine seltenheit oder häufigkeit?
Seid ich mit 6 Mit autismus(asperger sydrom) und Adhs Mischtyp diagnostiziert wurde Stell ich mir die Frage….
Wie Selten kann es auftreten dass jemand dieses Mischtyp mit autismus(Spektrum<Asperger Syndrom usw.>) haben könnte Und Wie viele es auf der Welt besitzen!
Da mir diese Frage Seit langem im Kopf blieb nutze ich dir Chance Diese frage Zu schreiben!
Danke nochmal im voraus !!!!
Ich versuche So Schnell wie möglich die Nachrichten zu lesen!!
This is not so rare. I also have autism and ADHD at the same time. Previous (in ICD-10 and older) were Autism and ADHD komorbid excluded. Nevertheless, in practice the double diagnosis – as with me in 2008 – was made at the age of 6.
Source: andautism/
Therefore, in the new ICD-11 they are no longer comorbid.
it is not so rare
I didn’t know yet Since I only heard little about it
This is quite common:
Of course, this does not mean that every autist also has ADHD and it does not mean that every ADHDler also has autism (I am an autist, but have no ADHD – on the other hand I have never been tested on it, so I cannot exclude it to 100%), but yes, the overlaps are interesting and not to point from the hand.
Then there is also the fact that the properties of autism can compensate the properties of ADHD (or otherwise) so to speak. This means that the ADHS of an autistic person can be (for outsiders) less noticeable or present themselves differently than with a person who has “only” ADHS. It may also be different. Certainly, possible properties of both developmental disorders (no diseases – Very important, because Developmental disorders and diseases are not the same and yes, also ADHS is a development disorder (see ICD-11) and therefore no disease, even if many claim something else and even if both can impede one*) can also be reinforced by a comorbidity/co diagnosis.
*It is also very important that not all disabilities are diseases, even if diseases can become disabilities.
About 1 out of 1000 with asperger. In some people it is seen per mrt at the mirror neurons, at others at the eeg and in some only psychologists / neurologists.
Adhs and Asperger actually go hand in hand.