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9 months ago

No, it doesn’t have much to do with autism. This does not necessarily have to be another disorder/disorder

9 months ago

What doesn’t mean “can start”?

If we both sit down and play a board game. And I’ll play like I want. Would you care? Just from interest?

The problem of autism in terms of rules and norms is usually that they have difficulties to understand or From society. In contrast to a board game, there is no clear rulebook in society. These rules are still always the case and sometimes change.

Accordingly, it leads to a completely different approach to social rules and norms. What can lead to problems.

Of course, this does not apply to all because every autist is different in the ground and general statements are difficult to make.

But first of all, you can’t fix it to just one thing. All things and their intensity are crucial.

Dreamy already mentioned a few examples. It’s even more complex.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sabina985

Shaking hands makes you stand and congratulations e.g. if jmd has a car exam

9 months ago

This can have quite different reasons.

When it comes to autism, it is only a very small part that social standards are strongly questioned and often rejected.

There are also problems with empathy, non-verbal communication, special interests, and increased or reduced sensitivity to sensory impressions. If this is not true, autism is relatively unlikely.

9 months ago

This alone doesn’t look like an autism.

Autists already adhere to rules – condition: These are logically comprehensible.

If we have our problems with it, then because we have not been explained in detail, what these rules should be good for.

In education there are countless examples that the rule is insane.

9 months ago

That alone doesn’t say much.

9 months ago

Who can’t start with rules and norms is perhaps a psychophat or a sociophat