I can't stand it when people talk about me behind my back, because my back is not a mailbox! If you have a problem with me say it to my face or shut the fuck up!!!
I'm a big Marvel fan, especially Loki. I like Celtic mythology. I read a lot. I love animals, especially wolves And I love Warrior Cats.book My favorite book genre is fantasy and my favorite author is Jennifer Estep.
Here is a list of my favorite books:
Elemental Assassin
Myths Academy
Myths Academy Colorado
The Realm of the Seven Courts
The Guardian of Midgard
Kiss of Thunder
Daemon's Daughter
Chronicles of the Underworld
Skulduggery Pleasant
House of Night
The Adventures of Apollo
Percy Jackson
Survivor dogs
Alea Aquarius
Warrior Cats
A 15 year old girl holds the hand of her 1 year old son. People insult because no one knows she was raped when she was 14.
People call an old man fat because no one knows he has a disease that makes him overweight.
People call a man ugly because no one knows he got his scars from a fire he saved 4 people from.
The girl you called ugly tries to make herself more beautiful every day with several pounds of makeup in the hope that someone will like her.
The boy you ostracized is already mistreated enough at home.
The boy you laughed at because he cried has lost his mother.
97% The girls would scream if Justin Bieber would stand on a high house and want to jump. If you are one of the 3% that would scream "MACH A BACKFLIP; while you plug popcorn into you, copy this text and do it in your profile!
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