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  • Hii guys ,

I'm a girl and 13 years old 😊my favorite subject is Latin and I go to a grammar school 🥰

One more thing I have to get rid of : You guys make a great community! I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for a compliment, a helpful, thank you and a yellow star ☆ 《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《》》》》》》》》》》》》》》

I am really looking forward to a friend request from you 🤩

If you send me a request, the following should be included:

  1. Age

  2. Gender

  3. Reason why you are adding me

  4. What type of school you attend or have attended

  5. .


My interests:

Chess, music, reading, animals, food, drawing (art), geology


My positive character traits:

  1. I'm always good for a laugh 🤣

  2. I'm honest and loyal - I can be trusted 🤗

  3. I'm helpful and a good listener ð

My negative character traits:

  1. I'm sometimes too honest

  2. Sometimes I'm in the patient 😯

  3. I'm not very understanding (in two topics)


The greatest people on this site are definitely:

nightmare2020 - another step for our friendship! My life would only be helped as great without you:)

Carag2011 - Thank you for being here! I can really talk to you about anything;)

7veren - you're an incredible smart person and you move this world forward!


My favorite sayings:

There are no coincidences

Whoever sows the wind will reap the whirlwind

Knowledge is power

Once the last tree has been cut down, the last river poisoned, the last fish caught, everyone will realize that money is not edible

Life is too short to live it badly

You can build beautiful things out of stones that are put in your way

Never be afraid of getting old. You can still do nonsense. Just slower


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