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I at night

I usually accept friend requests (even without a reason), I always accept friend requests from WarriorCats fans.


In my free time I play a lot of Dungeons and Dragons, like to do sports (skiing and fencing) and like to read, preferably WarriorCats but I also like other books such as Animox, Woodwalkers, Seawalkers, Moonlight Wolves, White Fox, etc.

My favorite animals are cats 🐈 ⬛ , octopuses 🐙 and rays.


What my emojis mean:

🐈= I like cats

❄️= I like winter

📚= I like reading


My WaCa OC:

Name: Nightflame

Clan: MistClan

Rank: Second Leader

Father: Panthertail

Sister: Mistfur

Mate: Whitemoon

Boys: Mistfur, Lightfeather

Pupil: Waterpaw (later Waterprick)


May StarClan light your way

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