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For religious reasons, I'm not friends with ♂️an.☝🏻


Do you know the story of Aladdin& the magic lamp? But not the beautiful one from disney but the original one

In the story, the princess was carried through the city& everyone had to go inside/close the windows etc because she was a princess& strange men were not allowed to just gaze at her beauty.

However, Alladin broke this rule& looked at her& was extremely blown away by her beauty& fell head over heels in love, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep...

So the story went on& normally, Alladin would have continued his meaningless and frustrating "life" until one day he would have died of the consequences of his heartbreak.

Whereby he would have lived a meaningless life,without being able to be happy for even a second& even for other people, seeking as his mother, would have been an extreme burden.

This is what our loving Creator wants to protect us from ♫

He wants us to feel the beauties of this world& the happiness that he has created for us& that is the only reason he has given us this commandment! Our Creator does not make any commandments/prohibitions for us humans without having a reason for it& really every single reason is only for OUR BEST to protect us because he loves us extremely much. !

If you want to hear the story further:

But because he would have been able to stand it otherwise& then he met the genie: he just solved it in a very very cruel way& :

He kidnapped the princess, made her husband disappear& did many other cruel things.

That's the moral of the story: you shouldn't see the beauty of a woman if you can't be with her 100% (marriage) because otherwise you could end up on many paths in life (Romeo& Juliet) *

Both man and woman. That is why no relationships are entered into before marriage to avoid these problems that our Creator has warned us about.

* (But so other relationships that often end in cheating in the West 😟)

Every woman in Islam is treated like a princess/queen u her headscarf that she always wears in front of strange men: Is her crown ♡

Another thing:

You may have heard that strange men are not allowed to shake hands with women.

I have a nice example of this:)

One day, a non-Muslim asked a Muslim why strange men are not allowed to shake women's hands:

The Muslim replied: Are you/any man allowed to shake the Queen's hand?

Man1: No.

Muslim: Exactly. And every woman is a queen in our religion. 👑

Then the Muslim throws an unwrapped sweet& a wrapped sweet on the floor& asks the man:

Which one would you take?

Man1: The wrapped/clean one

Muslim: exactly. (The candies put the women there)

The man: Wow. That's really a nice religion

~End of story~

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