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Hello, wild cats. This is Lollymolly

I'm a WaCa fan! You too?

So I like Animox and animals.

My favorite books:🤍

  • Warrior Cats

  • animox

  • Fox

  • Between HEAVEN and EARTH

  • ...


  1. Reading

  2. Writing

  3. Meeting friends

  4. Taking care of animals

  5. Riding

  6. ...

Favorite animals:🥰

  1. Dog

  2. Cat

  3. :

  4. Fox

  5. All except mosquitoes {:

Animals I've had:

  1. Wavy parakeet

  2. Fish

  3. Cat

  4. Dog

  5. Hamster

  6. Mouse

  7. ...

I have a dog [golden retriever] named Cookie and a cat [red] named...

I would like to become an author and animal trainer!

I am very open and happy to help no matter what {:

I am happy about every compliment {no matter what age} and about every friendship request WITH REASON at 10-18 years.

In GF call me Lollymolly or Anna {;

A bit about my WaCa favorites:

Favorite clan: Donnerclan

Favorite cats: Firestar, Jaypaw, Leafsea, and meeeeore!

Hate cat: Tiger star

And that's FINAL! If you want to know anything else about me, just ask!

See you soon!

May the Starclan light your way!🙂

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