I try to offer help to others with my posts, to participate in certain topics or simply to discuss them. Apart from that, I thus sometimes respond to hate and try to convince (especially on topics such as furries, the right or pseudophilia), or simply to annoy š.
Even I'm interested in a lot of things, I'm not an expert on most topics.
I generally copy the tone of my counterparts, but usually try to remain polite. If people treat me with respect, I amful. In the case of disrespect, I therefore take discussions to the point of absurdity, even if all I get is nonsense.
I have no respect for people who incite hatred against others. scent when you're against racism, sexism and the like and at the same time incite against right-wingers, men, whites, etc.
My opinions run across the political spectrum, but I'm generally more to the right. Anyone who has a problem with this is welcome to explain to me objectively what is so reprehensible about it. If right-wing extremism is the only argument, you should simply stay away from me.
I am Furry and am especially active in this topic. I take an active stance against defamation (e.g. being called an animal **r) and especially like to get on people's nerves. when they obviously have no idea about foundom and only associate furries with sex or fursuits. I therefore don't just let hase and misinformation stood when it comes to paedophilia. As a furry, I know the unjustified accusations and the unreflected hatred that is directed at pƤdophiles (in my case with animals instead of children) and I take action against it.
I am an antitheist, so completely reject religion. However, I have full respect for religious people and will not say anything against faith if it is not part of the topic. However, this does not apply to people who bring their religion into issues that have nothing to do with religion. With these people it is so fun for me to just annoy them ^
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