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What I am:

- My interests span the fields of history, politics, economics, physics, psychology, philosophy, conspiracy theories and anime.

- My political leanings tend to be center-right.

- I follow a wide range of democratic and secular principles as well as ideologies search as Kemalism, nationalism and pan-Turkism.

- My preferred animals are the wolf and the cat.

- I have an excellent memory for holding information.

- My MBTI type is INTJ but I lean towards ENTJ and ISTJ types

- I am forgiving and quick to forgive.

- I come from a family with a Turkish immigrant background.

- I am a proud Turk.

- I am proud of the Germany that was built.

- Alhamdulillah, I am a Sunni Muslim and belong to the Hanafi school of law.

- I am a proud Muslim.

- The two guiding figures in my life are the Prophet Mohammed (saw), the founder of my religion, and Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of my state.


Topic areas:

- History & Politics.

- Islam

- Anime

- Computer science

- Psychology

- Physics

- Philosophy

- Conspiracy theories


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- The reason field is empty.

- The request was not properly justified. (A simple "Hi" or similar does NOT count as an appropriate reason!)

- The profile does not appear serious.

- The reason is not appropriate.


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