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Ui, Ui finally someone is on my profile

You can send me a request but please tell me which topic it is about! Otherwise requests are always or "almost" always rejected. Maybe you'll be lucky, thanksπŸ«§πŸ’–πŸ«§

A text against bullying:

"A 15-year-old girl holds the hand of her 1-year-old son. People insult because no one knows she was raped at 14.

People call an old man fat because no one knows he has a disease that makes him overweight.

People call a man ugly because no one knows he got his scars from a fire he saved 4 people from.

The girl you called ugly tries to make herself more beautiful every day with several kilos of make-up in the hope that someone will like her.

The boy you ostracized is already mistreated enough at home.

The boy you laughed at for crying lost his mother.

The homeless man you bullied died because he didn't get help.

The one boy in class you bullied has depression.

The woman at work who is ostracized from the teams has suicidal thoughts.

The girl at school who gets kicked just because she has the only A in her work breaks down on the way home.

A boy in your circle of friends, you write hase comments under his videos without knowing it's him, just because you enjoy it.

Everyone can help! Really!

If you are against bullying like my friends and I are, this copy text to your profile❗❗❗

The girl you laugh at because she has no hair wants the soon because she has cancer.

A 15 year old girl holds the hand of her 1 year old son. People insult because no one knows that she was raped when she was 13.

People call an old man fat because no one knows that he has a disease that makes him overweight.

People call a man ugly because no one knows that he got his scars from a fire from which he saved 4 people.

The girl you called ugly tries to make herself more beautiful every day with several kilos of make-up in the hope that someone will like her.

The boy you ostracized is already mistreated enough at home.

The boy you laughed at because he cried has lost his mother.

If you're against #bullying like us, copy this text into your profile!

We bet 95% won't do it, but then there's still 5% who do and that's already a success!

I'm a forever dog!

And not...

Until I bore you!

Until you have to move!

Until you run out of time!

Until I get old and see!

I'm a forever dog!


Here's another quiz about me!


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