Welcome to my profile 🌺🌟
I will tell you something about myself here:
For your information:
- I named myself "Jojoloverin" because I am very fond of the anime "Jojos bizzare adventure".
- My profile picture shows my love for nature, and my cover picture so shows that I am very creative and artistic.
- Topic areas:Everyday life,School,Anime,Series
- I have noticed that I have changed a lot.When I was 11 and I first joined this platform,I was very curious and sometimes even exaggerated.Now that I am 13 and I have changed a bit,I have unfortunately lost my interest in Good question because of the trolls who hurt my 11-12 year old self.Nevertheless,I am always grateful to have found this website,met many nice people and that I could help. I will continue to be here
- Since 2/26.2023
To: reality
- 13 years old
- 8th grade high school
- Long brown hair and blue eyes
- Cosplayer/gamer/artist/anime watcher
- I like to annoy my sister
- I already feel very mature and advanced
- . very and advanced
- Have 2 pets(three deceased)
- I love anime and feel like almost all the anime I've watched so far are great and have seen a Donghua
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