Hello, nice that you've landed on my profile.
First of all, what do the emojis mean?
📖 = I like to read a lot
🐈 = My favorite thing to read is Warrior Cats, I'm on season 6
🦜 = I love birds
As mentioned above, I like to read a lot, especially Warrior Cats, but so fantasy in general, seeking as Harry Potter, Inkheart, White Fox, Woodwalkers or Percy Jackson.
Here we come to Warrior Cats:
First of all, my OC:
Names: Spotted Cub; Spotted Paw; Spotted Pond
Clan: TauClan (RiverClan)
Appearance: White she-cat with light gray and beige spots. Eyes are light green with light pink spots.
Rank: Warrior with healer training
Companion: Rainclaw
Daughters: Lightpaw (she drowned as a student); Sunlight (she was named after her sister)
Son: Moonwater (he is a healer)
My favorite characters are:
- Lightheart
- Squirreltail
- Storm
- Leaflet
- cloud
- Feathertail
- Map of Shadow
- Silverriver
- Stonefur
- yellowtooth
- Dottedleaf
- Breathtail
- Sootfur
- Sandstorm
- Fucking star
Friend Requests I gladly accept them, preferably with a reason, but so without, but would be cool if you know Warrior Cats. I would be happy about something like an online best friend.
97% The girls would scream if Justin Bieber would stand on a high house and want to jump. If you belong to the 3%, the "MACH A BACKFLIP"; scream as you plug popcorn into you, copy this text and do it in your profile!
A 15-year-old girl holds the hand of her one-year-old son. People insult because no one knows she was raped when she was 13.
People call an old man fat because no one knows he has a disease that makes him overweight.
People call a man ugly because no one knows he got his scars in a fire from which he saved 4 people.
The girl you called ugly tries to make herself more beautiful every day with several kilos of make-up in the hope that someone will like her.
The boy you ostracized is already mistreated enough at home.
The boy you laughed at because he cried lost his mother.
If you are against bullying like me, then copy this text into your profile!
We bet 95% won't do it, but then there are still 5% who do and that's already a success.
Here are a few more things that I mean exactly as they are written there:
LG Spottedpond
(Maybe you still know me as BirdFriend, that used to be my name)
May the Starclan light your path✨
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