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I'm here because I like to chat and I'm happy if I can help others. 🥰💕✨

(I'm ace (asexual) and lesbian💖🌈

As far as the LGBTQ+ topic is concerned, everyone can think however and whatever they want. As long as you remain somehow polite/objective with each other in conversations, regardless of whether you like/understand it or not, and don't insult/harm others because of it, everything is fine.)

-- about me --

+ 24/7 creative

+ anime fan

+ I prefer to list to: K-POP/J-POP/C-POP/Thai-POP, but have a wide-ranging taste in music overall. Only metal, hip-hop, German rap is not my cup of tea ^^'

+ I like to be on social media for creative input and because it's fun:)

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