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Heyy I am Romy and happy forgiven😁. Here's a little quiz about me:

And here are some more information about me:

These were "a few" info about me

If you send me FA, I'll like to accept them except you want to talk to me about sex or the like. And ey boys, this isn't a dating platform for fast sex. If you need anything, you've landed here on the wrong side!

I'm against bullying and myself was a victim of it because a few girls from my old class found me fat even now still in the new school where I thought that all is over the people mobbed me even my "friends". I cried so much about people that my mother called the Elzers from them. Then my mother told me that they only said that because they were jealous or so on me. She said I shouldn't have done anything with them anymore


And if you are against bullying then copy this text:

A 15-year-old girl holds her 1-year-old son's hand. People insult her because nobody knows she was raped with 14 years.

People call an old man fat because nobody knows he has a disease that makes him obese.

People call a man ugly because no one knows he got his scars out of a fire he saved 4 people.

The girl you called ugly, tries to make herself more beautiful every day with several kilos of make-up, in the hope she likes someone.

The boy you've demolished is already being abused at home.

The boy you laughed because he cried, lost his mother.

We bet 95% will not do it, but then there are still 5% that do it and this is already a success.

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