My prayer for the hostages from 7/10 who are held captive by civilians in Gaza
Over our brothers, the whole house of Israel, who are in distress and captivity, whether they are at sea, or whether they are on dry land (or in the air), may the Eternal have mercy on them and lead them from distress to deliverance, from darkness to light, from bondage to salvation, now soon and in the near future; we say: Amen!
Have been active since 1962, mostly in the Bremen area. Learned to ride a bike at the age of 4 and have stuck with this means of transportation to this day, still without "E".
At that time only day trips up to 40 km, but then it became more and more demanding. Only local, sometimes neighboring countries, but world were never my thing. about
Today I am retired and live in Israel.
My next tour is planned through the whole country, from Harmon to Eilat. I originally planned to start in case 2023, but I had to postpone the tour or split it up. So from Hermon to Be'er Sheva later, when Hisbolla is no longer bombing us and GPS is no longer disturbed by our soldiers. I'm not going anywhere without GPS.
But from Be'er Sheva to Eilat in the near future. That's only about 300 kilometers by road, but on my tour that's about 2000km in a maximum of 5 months. Because I want to see everything. Archaeological sites, sights, rivers and lakes, caravan routes, plantations in the desert, simply everything. And where I particularly like it, I stay a little longer.
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