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I am interested in many topics and the most diverse things. I try to share and expand my knowledge, and also hope for a little inspiration.

LG <3

In addition:

15 year-old girl holds her 1 year-old son's hand. People insult her because nobody knows she was raped with 14 years.

People call an old man fat because nobody knows he has a disease that makes him obese.

People call another man ugly because nobody knows he got his scars from a fire he saved four people.

The girl you called disgusting, tries to make herself more beautiful every day with Make Up, in the hope she likes someone.

The boy you've demolished is already being abused at home.

The boy you laughed out for his tears has lost the person who bare him.

If you're like us against bullying, copy this text into your profile!

We bet 95% will not do it, but then there are still 5% that do it and this is already a success."


Love is love, populism and right-wing extremism unrepresentable, feminism important and no exclusion and all this should be self-evident.

All love from a left-green ground tick ♫ (and queer isse also :o)

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