Auszahlung einer Beteiligung?
Hallo ich hatte bei einer Firma in dem Fall Thamm und Partner ImmobilIen GmbH eine stille Beteiligung abgeschlossen gehabt. Dieser Vertrag ist nach 10Jahren abgelaufen und ich habe diesen bereits zum 31.12.2022 gekündigt gehabt. Auch nach mehreren Anrufen und Emails wurde ich entweder vertröstet Oder es wurde auf Emails mit Fristsetzung gar nicht reagiert wann es denn endlich zur Auszahlung meines Guthabens und des Bonus kommt. Bis heute warte ich auf mein Geld. Was kann man gegen dieses Unternehmen tun?
I believe that now “a skilled person” has to answer. I’d be looking for a lawyer now, because the previous own efforts have brought nothing and will certainly not bring anything.
If there is legal protection insurance, the whole thing is not a problem for you at all. If the thing is as clear as you have described, your opponent must take over the costs for the lawyer and any legal costs. Let yourself be advised by a lawyer – the opposite no longer takes you seriously. Good luck!
Thanks for the answer.
Yeah, get out of here. Before they take all the money away and go insolvent.
I already threatened with deadlines and lawyers. But as I said. They don’t react for months anymore
Yeah, then you should have followed your threat deeds…
Yes, please, much joy
The cost is so, all shot out of the hip….
10-20% of the dispute.
Ok thank you for the quick answers
No, that’s civil law.
You have to take money into your hands, the lawyer wants money.
But you can get them.
I’d complain.
They’ve got their seat in Berlin, I’m afraid I would have considered it badly at the moment. Have also thought if perhaps a report to the police about suppression of fraud could reach what
Have you been there personally?
Do you realize from eye to eye that it will be more expensive when you complain?
The deeds also follow me, but I would like to check if someone had had a better idea than to go.
There’s only complaints! Last year
Take a lawyer!