Auswendig lernen wie lange?

Hallo, Ich muss einen Text auswendig lernen der ca. 420 Wörter hat. Wie lange würde es dauern ihn auswendig zu lernen. Ist es innerhalb einer Woche möglich ? Wenn ja, wie soll ich es mir immer einteilen ?

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9 months ago

Since no one of us knows how well you are learning by heart, it is problematic to give advice.

In addition, we do not know how difficult the text is to learn. My son has 70 rowsreamy hexameters have been memorized in a much shorter time than I would have done with German text.

It is reasonable, however, on the first day at least approx. 120 words to learn, because you also have to repeat the passages learned at the end several times until they are sufficiently solidified.

9 months ago


to create this is certainly. How fast this is, however, always depends on the type of text, on the subject, etc.

My tips for memorizing a text:

– divide the text into sections

– underline or highlight the important text passages (i.e. keywords, mostly main words, verbs and adjectives).

– Make notes and/or characters to the edge of important text passages

– Write headlines to sections

This gives you a breakdown of the text, a flu that can be filled with other suitable details.

– cancel the sections only individually

– then the 1st + 2nd section

– then the 1st + 2nd + 3rd section and always so on

– Finally cancel the text as a whole.

However, I must bear in mind that learning is a little effective learning method. It only brings short-term success, because what you learn by heart (Vokabeln, Texts) you have forgotten very quickly.

It is important to understand and apply the learning material (texts, grammar, vocabulary, formulas, natural laws, theories, etc.) in practice. Only then is the learned person also stuck in the cerebral cavity and can be transferred to other tasks, etc. This is achieved by applying Gelerntes in practice and deepening it, for example, by suitable books and specialist literature.

If you learn a (length) text by heart, you know – if you have not forgotten it before the class work – what comes into a certain gap.

However, if one has not understood, for example, the grammar or the use of a specific phrase or preposition, one will not be able to repeat the performance in a foreign text or in one’s own text creation.

If you learn input, presentation and lecture texts by yourself, you will usually get too fast during the lecture. This is why the texts should be formulated, but later they should be freely presented using keyword cards.

In general, auditors interrupt the reading of a pre-formulated text (e.g. at Eurocom). Instead, questions will be asked on the subject, in which the examiner will then be difficult to answer.

In the worst case, if the teacher knows or discovers the original source (on the Internet, etc.), this is designed as a fraud attempt and one gets a bad note.

Apart from the fact that the next time you may not have found a suitable sample solution and you cannot solve the tasks you have done, because you have not learned / practiced it, but have always only written off.


9 months ago

If it has to, it is also possible. Share the text in 4 equal parts. The first one you learn today, the 2nd morning, etc. Before you learn the 2nd tomorrow, you’ll come back today. The same thing you do until Wednesday to the 4th part. Don’t worry if he’s still a bit crying from the day before. From Thursday you will join and repeat, from the front to the back. It’s not hard. You just have to do it.