Ausweis bei Fahrkartenkontrolle?

Eine Sache, die ich bei Fahrkartenkontrollen immer schon extrem merkwürdig fand, ist dass man sich ausweisen muss. Das impliziert ja, dass sie einem den Namen nicht glauben.

Dann fragen sie jedoch nach Name und Adresse für ein Knöllchen – jetzt glauben sie mir meinen Namen auf einmal. Warum geht das nicht auch bei der Fahrkarte?

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9 months ago

Well, putting your way into the question here makes you at least trustworthy to me. If you look at others, they will always ask you.

If you try to respond positively to the people who check your ticket, maybe it would have been more quickly without ID. Or ask if you want to see the ID.

The word “money horn” above in the selection shows me that you do not respect their profession.

The fact is that the general public in the ÖPNV misses very high amounts and thus cost contributions due to too many black trips, even if one calculates the penalty payments and pretends to cost control nix.

Because the ÖPNV is heavily subsidized, a black trip is therefore a social and controls are announced. In this sense, we should all be cooperative.

Be nice to each other!

9 months ago
Reply to  ChrisCR

That sounds good, thanks for the info.

9 months ago

This makes it clear that you are also the ticket owner, the D-ticket is like the country tickets, the QDL is not transferable.

9 months ago
Reply to  ChrisCR

What is now

you talk about not having a ticket

Or you got a ticket I thought.

9 months ago

That they ask for the ID Ok has nothing to do with believe ID/credit card (booking online tickets) you have to have und on request show. Why did I write to you? If he asks, you have to show the ID if he doesn’t ask, you don’t need to get any ID out, that’s called a game room.

But write on a note, for what a pen if you have a valid driving box. Are you sure that’s your name, which documents your control activity. As a line/on exit (stop) time, number of passengers controlled.

It’s not until he puts it in your hand and wants to have 60 €.

9 months ago

Insofar as you cannot present a ticket, inspectors have the right to ask you to show your ID – have You can’t take them to the police.