Auswandern zu leicht gemacht?
Sollte man es den Deutschen erschweren auszuwandern? Beispiel durch Gesetze die Hürde um auswandern zu können zu erschweren?
Sollte man es den Deutschen erschweren auszuwandern? Beispiel durch Gesetze die Hürde um auswandern zu können zu erschweren?
hello, eine freundin und ich wollten eine 4 tägige reise nach barcelona buchen hotel und flug zsm als pauschalreise über opodo bei der auswahl an unterkünften stand, bei der die uns gefällt, kostenlos stornierbar (gross und fett) stimmt das? werdenn dann die gesamten kosten erstattet? oder habt ihr da andere erfahrungen? danke schon mal!
Hallo. ich bin weiblich, 19 Jahre alt und ich brauche bis zum 3.2. 400€. Ich weiß nicht wie ich die zusammenbekommen soll. Meine Mutter verdient nicht genug um es mir zu leihen und andere die ich kenne würden es mir nicht leihen. Ich würde sogar sachen oder Bilder oder sonst was verkaufen. Hauptsache ich bekomme…
Hallo, Frage steht oben. Die Frage stelle ich mir nachdem ich Ammoniumchlorid thermisch zersetzt habe. Dabei macht man Glaswolle in die Mitte des Reagenzglases. Welchen Zweck erfüllt die Glaswolle? Danke im Voraus für alle hilfreichen Antworten.
Hallo, bin 19 Jahre alt und im ersten Ausbildungsjahr. Verdiene 766€ netto und bin noch in der probezeit. Habe keine Ausgaben und wohne bei meinen Eltern. Wie kann man sich von der bank geld leihen welche möglichkeiten gibt es. PS meine Eltern oder sonst was können mir das geld nicht geben bin also auf das…
Hey, aus dem Familienkreis habe ich mitbekommen, dass Lebensmittelpreise ab genau Mitte Dezember (15.) um das doppelte kosten werden. Dieses Insiderwissen haben die Verwandten wohl bei Ihren Fillialen bekommen. (Arbeiten in Lebensmittelgeschäften). Ist jemand von euch vllt in dieser Branche tätig und kann das bestätigen? Selbst wenn es so ist – werden wir es wohl…
The Net migration has been around 200,000 plus for years. So there are more to us than to emigrate. Around 900,000 leave our country and about 1.1 million come.
In the pure migrants the numbers are much, much lower (included above): only about 180,000 real emigrants exist annually, of which 129,000 come back. The annual “loss”, which is permanently no longer coming back, are therefore quite exactly 50,000 people. There is only an 8% emigration of highly qualified: 76% of emigrants have a university degree and 68% for returnees.
All industrial nations are therefore emigration countries, Germany is not alone. But as mentioned above, more people are coming to the country as a whole.
No, it contradicts the idea that every person has the freedom to live where he wants and how he wants.
I would like to see the money/capital Emigration is difficult.
Every German should always pay taxes in Germany or donate citizenship if he can live permanently in other countries.
The U.S. handles this.
What do people do with double citizenship?
In two countries, they give an income tax return and pay what is due in both countries.
Of course, this only works if there are double taxation agreements between the countries.
What does dual citizenship have to do with it? Just because I don’t live in Germany doesn’t mean I should lose citizenship. And why tax there? I don’t like Germany if I live somewhere else, earn my money there and also tax it there?
foreigners living in Germany do not automatically get German citizenship because they live there and pay taxes
Nothing, but many allegedly live non-compliance Germany to save taxes. Those who live abroad only pay taxes there, but also declares this in Germany.
No, no one should lose something. But what does it say that citizenship comes with commitment?
It was an idea, a proposal. As I said, the Americans do it too.
Right, it’s more than paying taxes.
What many rejectors do not see here is, of course, the aspect that some of the emigrants have enjoyed a good education like study here at the expense of society. for example doctors. From kita to school to university, the general public has financed the large part of the training, hoping to get something back. In the form that empty spaces are occupied and taxes come back in. Instead, states like the United States can benefit from it without contributing anything themselves. And Germany, although largely in vain, tries to exploit important skilled workers to other countries. Instead of prohibiting the emigration, it is necessary to prevent the application of it. In addition, it would be more important to create better conditions here, which craftsmen and students want to remain. Germany is increasingly becoming a system where well-trained people do not see a perspective and created strangers as cheap people by delivering 200 packages for 80 euros on the day.
Most well-trained people emigrate to Switzerland and most of them come with new experiences in their baggage, also back or hike.
Yes, this also applies to Switzerland and applies to GB. I didn’t want to write a novel now, but the basic tenor of my statement is recognizable. I therefore do not share the second part of your inclusion, which may be true of chefs.
One is not fleing from war and bombs, but because the economic situation here is better. I know enough that this was precisely the reason why: social benefits, training opportunities, promotion opportunities. The others make a bar or nail studio on Mallorca because they believe to live there is like holiday. From there, many failed come back. But this is not the case, we spoke of studyrs. I plan to pack the suitcases in the direction of the south-east even in a larger group, all craftsmen. There are purely economic reasons and not the weather.
Just one flee from war and bombs and the other live in Spain because the weather is better there. Mallorca 17. federal state?
All digital nomads live precisely because of the weather in the south or in Asia or elsewhere.
Of course, all the Syrians are here to finally ski and Germans wander out because elsewhere the sun is more often.
My experience in this is another.
Nonsense, the framework conditions are economic, freedom is the opportunity to choose better. Hardly an immigrants to Germany and immigrants from Germany like to leave the usual environment, familiar language, eating habits, friends and family back to shed freedom. The most common reason is simply an economically better perspective abroad.
The framework is freedom! If he likes, he’ll go. This has little to do with framework conditions in Germany.
I have, of course, also informed myself and the figures of these 7 years old statistics are declining from other sources. By the way, where is the benefit when a young doctor travels to the UK and works there when he returns home-wicked as a pensioner. As I said, it would be better to create better conditions here in terms of training and staying.
But you should make it harder. In many countries it is necessary to prove at least one job or sufficient financial resources to deny its own living. This should be introduced here, too, then people who only want to live at our expense do not always come here.
It doesn’t need to be done because it’s been so long. OnenthG § 5:
Why would you make it even more difficult? In Germany, this is even hard to make a new pass since corona or even to renew the ID. And also we live in a country where everyone can decide voluntarily where to live and this is also good
Everyone should be free to choose where to live.
No one is allowed to leave their home area uninvited and welcome.
Contrary to this, the delegates are obliged to create conditions that no one is forced to leave this area!
Advanced human consciousness makes this possible.
because I am a free person, it is up to me.
And you already know that there is no right to stupidity and there is also an expanded reality?
What do you mean “unloaded”?
Of course, no other country is obliged to accept someone. But the question was not whether and which country would accept a German on what conditions, but whether someone should leave.
Remember the text. There’s nothing to add.
Depending on the destination, there are more than enough hurdles. It is not necessary to make it unnecessarily difficult for everyone to march on the other side into our country for pleasure and pleasure and without proof of identity.
The only reason I remain in this underlying country is the age and the lack of capital.
But there was this part of DE, no one came out.
It’s your statement. And statements are statements. They’re right or wrong. And in terms of reality, your statement is not even correct in the approach. spices
Emotional, I can carry out your statement 100%. hahahahaah
Calls for freedom – and this also includes the freedom to leave the country. We Germans know how to do it if it is not allowed, I say only GDR.
Freedom is a fundamental right. This would have to be serious reasons to intervene in this right.
It should even be greatly facilitated. In Germany you can simply slick and settle, you don’t even need papers. For us, there is no such possibility.
It’s you Residence law Or does it just not fit into your worldview? There must be some reason to ignore it.
This simply does not affect the German state.
With this we would fall back into regulations that you did not consider, because an emigration can have many reasons, if not life-saving.
To prevent tax evasion, this aspect should be given more attention, because the state does not harm the emigration of our 84 million inhabitants.
Then we’d be back in the GDR.
A souffleur is needed in the theatre, but here at GF it is superfluous as a crotch. And as this goes in a row, it must be said once.
She’s called FRG now and that’s a difference.
No. Who wants to go can go and who wants to come. The state has not to interfere.
I think it’s time for the state to move out.
Why do you want to stop them?
Germany would have to become more attractive for potential immigrants without becoming more interesting for immigrants.
Since the amount of immigrants required Much is higher than the ridiculous single-fall accumulation of emigration volunteers, this is completely unrealistic.
why this should happen.who wants to do it just.better how to stay there and mecker
No way. I’m going out next year.
Germany is a democracy, and not a dictatorial shithole. People who want to emigrate cannot be held up forcibly.
No, just like that
We should build a wall and write DDR 2.0 on it