Auswandern – neue Hoffnung?

Hey, mal ne kleine Fragerunde am Sonntag.

Hab schon öfters mitbekommen, dass viele aus Deutschland auswandern wollen. Persönlich würde ich das auch gern tun, ich hab das Gefühl Deutschland zieht mich nur noch runter. Irgendwie hab ich dauernd Allergien (in anderen Ländern jedenfalls irgendwie nicht) mir geht es gesundheitlich nicht gut und die Leute sind anders. Würdet ihr auch gerne auswandern? Wenn ja, warum?

Würde mich interessieren, ob ich die einzige bin mit so einem „Problem“ 🙂 (nichts gegen Deutschland, bin hier groß geworden und bin sehr dankbar)

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1 year ago

Yes, many want to emigrate, actually make it the least. I’ve been walking for many years, working in 3 laenders. It was always the curiosity and new professional tasks that drove me further.

On holiday one is relaxed and does not experience everyday life abroad. Germany doesn’t pull you down, it’s an excuse because something doesn’t feel like you’re feeling. Bring your life to the line and tell us what country you can be welcome with your vocational training.

Depending on the job, the language is provided at least in basic knowledge. If you’re healthily beaten, you should remember that in many laenders you will be released very quickly if you have too many hours.

I know the grass is greener where you don’t sit. :

Oh, man means, that the grass on the other side is deeper. If you look more closely, it’s not even more creepy there…. Its problems are always taken with them, they are often even greater abroad.

1 year ago

My mother has migrated here. I have a double citizenship. But my mother’s homeland would not be an option for me. Politically and economically difficult. I’m glad my mother went to Germany. You too.

I personally see myself as a Frankfurter, as Hessin, as a German and as a European. I had all the possibilities here. I can live my life here as I want. I have my family here, my friends, my whole life. I feel comfortable here and I have my roots here.

After the Abi I lived in Canada for half a year. There’s one of my uncles living with his family. He made his luck there and Canada is really a great country. It was nice there. But it wasn’t like home.

For me, it would only be questionable if there was an emergency situation that would no longer allow me to live in Germany or if the social climate changes here so that people like me can no longer feel comfortable here. Then I would feel compelled to find alternatives. But no one will get me out of here.