Auswandern: Jobangebot Schweiz, habt Ihr Erfahrungen?
Mein Bruder hat vor 4 Jahren sein BWL-Studium abgeschlossen und in Deutschland gearbeitet. Er hat jetzt ein Angebot einer Schweizer Versicherung in Genf, die ihn gerne will, da er deutsch und französisch fließend spricht. Er meinte, er käme locker auf 100 000 Franken pro Monat. Ich bezweifel das. Der Job ist mit Grundgehalt und Provision im Außendienst. Dazu kämen dann die Regelungen mit Aufenthaltstatus. Ich als kleine Schwester in Hamburg will ihn nicht sooooo weit weg, aber das ist absolut egoistisch!!! Deshalb kann ich ihm auch keinen echten Rat geben. Er würde hier alles aufgeben, und was, wenn dann irgendetwas wegen Aufenthaltsbewilligung falsch läuft?
Dazu kommt, dass er seine Freundin mitnehmen möchte, die aber dort keinen Job hat. Er meint, dann könne sie über ihn eine Bewilligung bekommen. Geht das?
whether he can take the girlfriend is uncertain. If he married her, she can live there. Whether she finds a job there is doubtful. The labour market in Geneva is bad for Swiss conditions. The labour market in the neighbouring canton of Vaud is better.
What applies to a lot of Swiss people as well 😂 In Switzerland it is very often about Germans working for less money than Swiss.
You can save cynicism. You speak French and German fluent, as you are certainly not a Swiss. This only explains that he does not have to learn another foreign language, but is already in control.
Well. 100 000 francs are little for you. Then congratulations to your salary of over 100 000 francs (can you convert yourself into euro) 😀
It is not a cynicism but a fact that there are many Swiss who speak German and French. These are two of Switzerland’s national languages, and many Swiss grow natively with more than one language.
And as for the 100000 francs a month, I agree with your statement:
With an indefinite contract, there are no problems with the residence permit. An income of CHF 100k per year is not completely unlikely. This is not as much as it looks like from Germany because the cost of living is considerably higher.
With fluent German and French knowledge, your brother in Geneva is not badly cancelled. Since Geneva is a very international city, good English would be helpful.
If his girlfriend is EU citizen, this is not a problem for her with the residence permit. A job should be found. French language skills would be very helpful.
She writes 100 k a month
I think the employer can really appreciate that.
If your brother is so qualified, he won’t have great problems finding a job here even when he returns.