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8 months ago

and it can be that a number-driver has happened to me.

If it’s just a numberdriver, the bank should immediately notice this because the tax ID will then probably not be valid. Otherwise, this would be a very big coincidence if all parameters still match:

For valid tax identification numbers (IdNr) according to § 139b AO, the following specified properties apply:

  1. The IdNr consists of an eleven-digit number sequence.
  2. First position never stands a zero.
  3. At the eleventh position is a test digit.
  4. At positions 2 to 10 are digits from the amount {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.
  5. In positions 1 to 10, either exactly two digits or exactly three digits must be the same.
  6. If three equal digits exist at positions 1 to 10, these same digits must never be at directly successive positions.
8 months ago

Asking such a question here is quite unnecessary. It goes without saying that the number driver is corrected as soon as you have noticed that something might be wrong.

8 months ago

I strongly assume that in banking system it is also checked whether the tax ID is correct, because each tax ID contains a check digit. It is extremely unlikely that in a number-driver the test number is still correct.

If your tax ID is not correct, i.e. check number incorrect, then the bank will just ask you a question.

8 months ago

You could tell her. Then it has no real consequences.