Ausversehen Alkohol getrunken trotz antibiotika?
Hey, ich nehme seit 5 Tagen Antibiotika, ich war heute bei meiner Freundin und wir haben ein drink getrunken. Ich hatte vollkommen vergessen das ich das garnicht darf, und ungefähr 4 Schlücke Amaretto getrunken. Ist das schlimm? Passiert jetzt irgendwas hab bisschen schiss
So I had to take antibiotics several times and know the problem with the additional alcohol consumption that it would avoid gild.
With a little amaretto, you don’t need to worry, it’s only important that you keep it unique, and that you keep your antibiotics until they are applied.
Otherwise it may be your illness, for which you have not really been treated with these medications
Okayyy thank you!!
In your case, GAR will NOT happen. Even if you were looking too deep into the glass, you wouldn’t have died. Alcohol and medicine are not tolerated, so you shouldn’t do it. What damage is caused depends on how much alcohol you drink and what medicine it is. What will not happen in your case, but can happen is that liver damage occurs and stomach emptying is delayed when alcohol and antibiotics are mixed. Kidney damage is also possible.
In your case, nothing will happen…
Thank you!