Ausversehen 1. Klasse – Zug?
Hey gutefrage-Community
Ich bin jetzt auf einer circa 2h Fahrt im Zug, ich bin beim Einsteigen ziemlich geistesabwesend mit dem ganzen Strom mit gelaufen und habe mich auf den erstbesten Platz gesetzt. Erst jetzt habe ich gemerkt, dass ich in der ersten Klasse sitze.
Der Gang hier ist aber auch ziemlich voll. Mit meinem Gepäck komme ich hier nicht mehr so leicht raus, ohne alle aufzuscheuchen.
Habe ich mit einer Strafe zu rechnen? Ich fahre mit dem Deutschlandticket. :/
you are politely asked to leave the first class.
I just happened last Friday.
If the 2nd class is overcrowded,
then the staff can also release the 1st class.
The first class is unused because as good as no one is driving with it.
And consumes valuable passenger transport.
Thank you. : I’ll see that I’ll get out at the next stop. The ride is, fortunately, quite small.
That’s the purpose of the first class.
That was just my ironic margin comment.
Just hold on to the situation.
Surely the first class has its purpose and purpose.
Yes, you don’t have a ticket for this class.
It depends. For example, if you are in BW: ticket-1 class
If you’re under control. You don’t have a ticket valid there.
You can only be sent to the 2nd, but you can also be charged.
How about the German ticket, what do I have to pay extra?
Double fare, at least 60 euros. As it stands everywhere. You don’t have a ticket for where you’re sitting.
Oh. :/
Of course you’re wrong when you’re under control. Find another place in the 2nd CLASS
I’d like to, but I’m not getting out so easily. Next to me, there’s an elderly man sleeping. The gear is relatively full. You want me to scare everyone? I hate such situations, I’m very introverted.
Yeah, well, they’ll make you room, be friendly and go through…
Either you go out, or you pay! Look out! It’s not cheap!
Searched it out:D
No, now….
Yeah, I’ll see that I’m coming out at the next stop.
Yes, if you’re checked, you’ll have to pay the difference.
Yes you have – you have to get out what it wants!