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You should have a car first, and that’s the least backpackers. How do you get that strange thought?
It could have been that someone had already gained experience with it.
What brings you to this strange idea. You don’t look at a car who drives it and what it is.
I asked this question because I have already heard that backpackers in parts of Australia are less well looked at. That’s why the person I heard was crushing the car tires. There are also plenty of other countries where car tires are torn apart by e.g. holidaymakers. The question is not completely irreal. If no backpacker answers me, it could be the number of backpackers who use gf or – as you say – that this really happens very rarely or even never, with which my question would be answered.
Your question is far from any reality and a fantasy construct. Why should somebody break a car tire? It doesn’t make any sense.
And if you don’t have a backpacker, it comes from the fact that this hasn’t happened yet and you consider your question as meaningless.
If a tire breaks down in Australia on a ride, the other reasons.
Well recognized, however, I wrote “like a backpacker”, which I only address the backpackers. If your car has broken tires, these will probably notice. Like you could answer, for example, “I’ve never done this before” or “I’ve known/friends already happened” or “yes, this has happened to us several times”.