Australien arbeiten als Tourist, möglich?

Ich gehe nächstes Jahr für 5 Monate nach Australien/Surfers Paradise.

Ich habe ein Touristen Visum dafür.

Meine Frage ist jetzt: Darf ich dort kleine Arbeiten ausführen für Gegenleistung so als hätte man einen Ferienjob? Keine richtigen arbeiten wie an der Kasse oder so sondern eher so auf dem Bauernhof aushelfen und dafür etwa 5-10 AUD pro Stunde verdienen?

Ich weis man muss um Arbeiten zu können dort ein anderes Visum haben, da ich aber bei so einer Arbeit nirgends angestellt bin weis ich nicht wie dies geregelt wird.

Freiwillige Arbeit (Arbeit ohne verdienen) weis ich zu genügend was ich da machen kann. 🙂
Btw. mein Englisch ist zu schlecht um ein Work and Travel Visum zu beantragen. (Mind. C1 muss man da haben glaube ich und das habe ich nicht)

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1 year ago

A very big NO. Not on a farm.

Since there are many people in Australia who do work-and-travel and these helpers on the farms (“Fruit Picking”) as well as in bars/cafes are a firm size of the economy, this is also checked and sometimes rigorously punished if something does not fit. To get trouble, it’s enough if you work too much with a work-and-travel visa and can’t prove enough vacation.

If you “help” and work with a pure tourist visa on a farm, you will probably not only have to pay a penalty and leave the country, but will also be punished with an entry lock for the future. The authorities there aren’t stupid, and they’ve heard all the excuses. They won’t believe that you’re a stranger in your vacation, just doing a vacation job for free. It will always be assumed from a return, even if it is only catering and accommodation.

Australia takes entry, visas, etc very seriously. Don’t worry.

So, make a holiday if you have a tourist visa and stay away from all work.

Source: Have lived with different visas in Australia for a long time and have to deal with them intensively.

1 year ago
Reply to  4RyuIT

You can’t help the uncle in Australia. Especially when you have such family bands, three times you look exactly why one is now in the process.

1 year ago

And this “help of family life” could be designed as work and you are back faster, with a multi-year imprisonment than you can think.

1 year ago

How stufix2000 already written, check out which visa you have and look exactly at the criteria. It can look different for Swiss citizens than for Germans or Austrians. It always depends on the country agreement.

There is a regulation at the student visa where work is possible to a small extent. However, I cannot judge whether this is true for pupils and then for Schweitzer. You see that on the Visa Finder, stufix2000 already mentioned.

1 year ago

So there is also a time in school, about 3 months.

As in any country, it is important to adhere to the respective entry regulations.

You can study with the student visa, work with the work-and-travel visa, and with the tourist visa you can’t do that explicitly.

See what you need as a Swiss and apply for the right visa:

1 year ago
Reply to  4RyuIT

Then check what is exactly possible with the visa (category) you need to apply.

Use the official page and you have your result.
If you mow someone’s lawn, it’s possible if you say I want money for it, then not.

1 year ago

Even the lawn Moravian, I’d be able to crawl.

1 year ago

No, with a tourist visa you must not perform such activities – even if there is no money for it.

Register for a Work and Travel Visa.

1 year ago
Reply to  4RyuIT

You can’t work with tourist visas.

And if they catch you out when you enter and have the suspicion that you would want to work (because you can’t afford the stay there otherwise – and they can see your finances), they can send you back home with the next plane.

1 year ago
Reply to  4RyuIT

You don’t want to work voluntarily. You want

about 5-10 AUD per hour


1 year ago

…if they let you in at all.

As a student, you’re not a tourist either. So that would still be the wrong visa

1 year ago

As a tourist you can work practically NIRGENDWO regularly.