Ausschlag seit ein paar Woche?
Ich habe seit ein paar Wochen einen Ausschlag an der Hand der nicht weggeht aber auch nicht juckt oder wehtut. Manchmal verliert er Flüssigkeit. Da ich gerade in der USA bin habe ich leider nur bedingt die Möglichkeit einen Arzt aufzusuchen. Weiß jemand was das sein könnte und was sich dagegen machen lässt?
Readers from internet forums cannot replace a doctor’s visit. A doctor can personally look on it, even with a skin microscope, and if necessary make a smear. However, when looking at a photograph, lay people cannot make a diagnosis.
People also go to the doctor in the USA. The costs are covered by your health insurance. If this lasts a few weeks, it could also be a lasting one, and that’s why an investigation is the responsible way. As a reader, it would not be kind to suggest a treatment based on riddles and possibly damaging.
If this is a viral or bacterial infection, a fungus or a ulcer, for example cortisone ointment would be harmful. That’s why a doctor has to look at it, even if a diagnosis by good question is still so practical.
This can have many causes and guess is really not going on. See if you can buy a recipe-free hydrocortisone-containing ointment and see if it gets better.
Thank you, I’ll see if there’s this:)
Because we’re not doctors, you should go to a skin doctor.
If I had the opportunity to do so, I would have done this:)
It can’t be that you can’t go to a doctor now.
If you are insured in Germany, the costs of the German contract rates are refunded by your health insurance fund.
You’ve completed a health insurance, haven’t you?
In the USA getting an appointment with dermatologist is even more difficult and expensive than in Germany. I already looked for a normal doctor, but he couldn’t help me