ausreden für abnahme?
bin übers wochenende bei verwandten und die kommentieren es immer wenn ich abgenommen habe. seit sommer wo sie mich das letzte mal gesehen haben hab ich ca 10kg abgenommen. will nicht dass die denken ich würde hungern oder so also worauf könnte ich das schieben?
Nothing? Just stand for you to lose weight and don’t give anything else to say at least not if you have normal weight and didn’t put you underweight now by the decrease
Judging from your other questions, you’re magical. You should go into psychotherapeutic treatment. Since the body excretes endorphins during prolonged malnutrition, the person concerned does not feel hunger but is easily euphorized as a sepsis patient in the final stage before he dies. That’s why magic is so dangerous.
There’s no excuse for it. Just take something back if you should weigh too little now, you don’t have to listen to that.
But that seems to be the case.
Do you have a eating disorder?