Ausrede fürs nicht hingehen zum Orchester?
Wir haben vom Schulorchester bald einen Auftritt und streichen deshalb Unterrichtsstunden gegen Proben aus. Wegen Ende des Jahres schauen wir in Deutsch einen Film zu dem ich lieber hingehe.
Hat jemand gute Ausreden die ich meinem Musikleherer schreiben kann um nicht zur Probe zu müssen?
You’ve always got nervous diarrhea attacks.
Everyone accepts that.
Jo thank you
and the teacher who shows the film then wonders how to see a film with diarrhea.
Then a lot of fun at the toilet;)
Of course, from the fucking house, and maybe a mirror.
Hello, Alex!
Let me ask something: What is so important about this movie that you want to do an important rehearsal for his sake? You know, I think that the movie doesn’t matter if you’re going to watch it this day, or at some point later or not. There are so many streaming services today that you can watch it at another time. Or you borrow it from the library… or you ask Your parents, exceptionally, second hand, for little money to get him as a DVD. And it will certainly also be organized that you don’t see him alone; You can just invite a few people, for example for the weeks between the years.
But for your music teacher and for the performance, the concert you don’t care about this day at all, but simply and intuitively irreplaceable. A sample that is not visited is irretrievably lost. You yourself know how difficult it is to bring all people together at an appointment, and how often you have to experience that anyone cannot come, is not prevented – and how hard it is then to ask the musical appointments made in the sample for execution at this and that point and to put them into your own notes.
Well, if you really are looking for an excuse, you’ll find one, no question. But maybe you go back to you and take a new look again between »shiftable film« and »unreplaceable sample«… 😉
you need to know if you want to play in the orchestra or not. Personally, it would be a pity to have missed lessons and then to be missed at the end of the performance where the hard work pays off. Maybe you can talk to the orchestral director if it would be possible not to play along.
…but as I said… there’s no excuse for me…