Auspuff kaputt! wie viel kostet mir das?
Hi habe beim fahren heute bemerkt dass es ziemlich laut wurde. Ich habe nachgesehen und der Auspuff ist am Ende locker. Also kann man hin und her wackeln. Der Vorbesitzer meinte dass dort mal was geschweißt wurde, ist aber auch problemlos durch den tüv gekommen.
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1 frage habe ich..
wie viel wird mir das kosten?
There’s only one complete exhaust system really making sense when you weld around it breaks it at the same place or stop elsewhere
What it costs also depends on the exhaust quality. A cheap crutch the three years may last total cost 300, one of the 5 years may last 400
The exhaust is torn off at the non-visible end of the pot. Since you didn’t show what it looks like there, the repair effort is not to be estimated. Especially since you didn’t even tell us what car it is.
An old Seat Ibiza bj 2004
Well, it’s not a new Seat Ibiza, 2004. However, it is bad that there are different motors and therefore different discharge systems with different expensive pots. Is it really so hard to say what vehicle it is?
Since one still does not know how the part of the exhaust that is not shown looks, the repair effort is still not to be estimated. Between 20€ and 500€ everything is in.
The exhaust pot must be replaced. here is another video
Matching parts can be found at ebay for small money. Someone who’s screwing up your stuff, you’ll surely find it
About 350€