Auspuff für Kawasaki Z125?
Finde den Standard-Auspuff nicht so gut, hört sich irgendwie an wie eine Nähmaschine haha. Kennt ihr nen anderen Auspuff der nen super Sound macht? Hab über nen Arrow nachgedacht aber kostet halt 500€ für die Kawa und ist mir für die 2 Jahre in denen ich sie fahre nicht wert.
Doesn’t pay for 125s, they don’t have enough space for usable sound.
Save the money, a 125 will always sound like a lawnmower, no matter what you do.
I don’t give anything to saving xD The wish was more of my father who explained to me that the sch**** listens and I was laughed out a few times because the sound is so🙄
That’s right, but it just won’t be better. Like I said, just save the money. Or your father.
The Arrow already has a brutal sound. Hard to believe that it is legal.
He’s worth his money, but if you want less trouble and save money, you should leave.
Sound is not all and the money I would rather spend for decent protective clothing. You can also use it later for the next machine…
Hi, yes, look for one at the moment, and since the others here don’t give anything useful, I’ll answer…
so, on my list, the
Mivv GP Pro
… there are a few at Louis, also from Shark or Akrapovic, but many are also very expensive
Login again if I found more
Better invest your money in a driving safety training.