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2 years ago

For leasing vehicles, the leasing user: contributes to the costs of repair, wear and maintenance/inspections. At least in my knowledge. However, you can complete a full service leasing package. There would be things like that, and you don’t have to pay anything. This applies to a new vehicle and used vehicle leasing. In the latter, however, there are restrictions and or stops.

2 years ago

Hmmm… Leasing usually goes over 3 years. What kind of vehicle is that an exhaust has not been blown through after 3 years of exhaust? Even at my Opel Astra, the exhaust was not so fast – and it started to rust in the car brochure.

2 years ago

2012 – 2022 = 4 years?

2 years ago


You’d like a 10 year old golf 6 and then for 4 years?

Oh, my God.

2 years ago

I don’t think that’s a joke like that.

2 years ago

YEAR LEASING? Do you have too much money or what?

2 years ago

Are such damage not included in the contract? Of course, you can let it be judged professionally at your expense, no one needs to know.

2 years ago

Of course, this is at your expense. But who makes such stupid leasing contracts?

2 years ago

Did you lease the car for life??

2 years ago

What Leasing Naufahrzeug did the exhaust plates rust??? An exhaust lasts at least 7 years. Your car should be that old. So you either leased long-term leasing or an old car.

2 years ago

A new vehicle is usually used for three years. A decade-old golf has usually been paid off for a long time.

2 years ago

The fools don’t die. Stultus non morietur.