Auslaufen trotz größter Binde?
ich habe meine Tage extrem stark und laufe regelmäßig aus (oft nach 2 Stunden). Für den Tag benutze ich von Jessa die Maxi-Binden Active shape Lang. Nachts auch von Jessa die Ultra-Binden Comfort dry Night. Die haben schon die höchste Stufe, für den Tag die nur 4/5, aber ich hab keine stärkeren gefunden.
Kann mir vielleicht jemand sehr starke Binden empfehlen? Tampons aind leider keine Option, die tun bei mir immer ziemlich weh (ich kann kaum sitzen), obwohl ich sie richtig verwendet habe..
Meine Periode habe ich seit etwa 1 1/2 Jahren.
so my friend is after unbinding after the spital binding. went to the always n5 and then changed regularly every 2h maximum. there are now also always perioden slips where very thin are cut where you don’t even see that you have one. the ware, all right until they sucked in a bit and then they were full.
I find the ones I can suck more:)
In addition to a strong band, you could also use period underwear, so that a bandage sticks in. I often do that. And I use the always ultra secure night bandages.
There are still many alternatives to connect! Incontinence templates, laundry, sponges, cups…
If you’re using tampons properly, you don’t notice them…
I had an extremely strong bleeding many years ago due to a hormone disorder over a few days.
I bought Windelslips, which are actually intended for unconventional people. There are more choices in any drugstore market.
You’ll be better at night than with a bandage.
There are inserts for incontinent (Tena Lady, etc.), which are almost as thick bandages. They are therefore intended to capture urine and should also cope with a strong period. However, they are very expensive compared to bandages. Something like this is found in the drugstore, whether in menstrual products or baby diapers I don’t know, but one of the two departments will be.