Auslandsjahr Korea mit 18?
Hii, ich bin gerade am Ende der 12. Klasse und habe im Frühling meine Abi-Prüfungen. Ich würde unglaublich gern sowas wie ein Schulaustausch machen, ist das mit 18/nachd em Abi noch möglich? Oder gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit vielleicht dort die Schule zu gehen?
Hat jemand Erfahrung damit? Ich hab oft gehört das Leute nach dem Abi ein Auslandsjahr machen, aber kann man dann auch zur Schule gehen? Oder ist das Auslandsjahr wirklich nur “im Ausland sein”? Wenn jemand sowas gemacht hat, dann bereichtet gern und, was macht man, wenn man “nur” im Ausland ist? Arbeitet man als Au-Pair oder sucht man sich was anderes, wie wird das finanziert ?
Und was könnte man sonst machen, wenn das alles nicht geht?
Danke schonmal für alle Fragen ^♡
“Outland Year” is a preamble for everything people are abroad for something a year. However, there are various possibilities for different age groups and situations of life. “Schüleraustausch” is the type of “Ausländerjahr” where you go as a student to a school in the host country. Depending on the country and organization, there are age restrictions up and down. In general, however, one can say that the condition for student exchange is usually that one is still a student, and under 18.
There is a relatively frequent question here whether one can still make a student exchange with ü18 and school completion, and since the answer in general is “no” (in fact, outside the three major English-speaking target countries the possibilities are almost zero), there is the following question “But why not?”. As someone who has made a student exchange to Japan, I can tell you that the East Asian school system is much more defined, as regards (among other things) the age in one vintage than in Germany. And even if you only get out of Germany, you know a class of two vintages among you, that is, a momentary 10. Great? Would you go into it tomorrow and don’t feel strange as two years older? Student exchange is, from the point of view of the student, something that is “not at all”, but there is a great deal of effort behind it for the organisations to find schools that are involved, especially in East Asia. The motivation of schools in Japan, too, is often open to the fact that one wants to present itself “internationally”, because: private upper schools in Japan cost money. They have to sell and advertise for themselves, as BMW has to advertise for his cars so that they can be bought. All that this “perfect” image of an exchange student, where the local students can try their English, is to be avoided. And this is also one of the major age differences.
And that’s why if you have your exams next year, it won’t work with student exchange. However, there is something else in question, namely Work&Travel:
your year abroad at a school, a student exchange, is limited to school time. In recent years, however, there has been more interest in experiencing school life abroad even after school.
Therefore, some private high schools offer this, especially in the USA and other English-speaking countries. Whether there are high schools in Korea that offer this, you can only clarify it three times. most likely is that international schools offer this.
When it comes to staying in Korea, so-called Gap Year programs were offered. In connection with learning, you can take a look at a university.
Best regards
In my knowledge, the exchange programmes are organized by the schools. If you have finished your school, this option will be eliminated.
A stay abroad as AuPair would be conceivable here.
So a student exchange is no longer possible?
And what do you do as an au pair? You’re just teaching, right? And where do you find offers as an au pair?