Auslandsjahr fragen?
wie kann ich meine Mutter nach einem Auslandsjahr in Südkorea fragen so das sie ja sagt ?
ich bin gerade 14jahre alt ,nach den Sommerferien in der neunten Klasse und würde es gerne so schnell wie möglich machen da meine Schule auch nicht Gerade sehr toll ist ich bitte um Antworten es ist sehr dringend
ich habe auch eine soziale Angst es fällt mir auch schwer einfach es so zusagen deswegen frage ich wie ich es am besten sagen könnte danke im Voraus
With “it’s very urgent” it won’t work at all.
Once again, you should bring your mother closer to making a year abroad.
Of course, you would like to talk to her about whether this is possible at all from your side (even for students this is very expensive) and how your mother is about it.
To send his 14-year-old child to a foreign country alone for a year, not everyone.
If you can become more concrete.
Which country you have in mind, as it goes with the organization, etc.
The language is of course also a big thing. As a 14-year-old, your English will not be too good and that of the Korean pupil is even less.
To get there properly, you will have to learn Korean. andzwas good.
Two years of intensive learning with a language course should be at least.
A year is far from enough.
Then you will have it very hard, especially in South Korea.
The South Koreans are very closed for closer contact with foreigners.
You must be very extroverted and actively approaching people to find connection there.
If you can’t, you won’t find friends and spend all year alone out of the outsider.
Do not use such a year abroad as an escape from how doof it is currently in your school. It doesn’t work. If you don’t get along well with fellow students at your school and suffer from a social fear, that will be no different in Korea.
On the contrary, there will be much worse and in the end you will regret the stay.
In fact, I can very well English and for a year abroad you have to eig ned the language can yes few words would be good but you learn the language during the course of
Very good for your age / Your class is still “only” very good for an eight-leafer.
And as I said, Koreans are again at a lower level in Englsich.
The fact that you don’t have to be able to speak for a foreign year is at best in Europe and USA/Canada because you come through with English for an emergency.
Asia is a completely different subject. You can’t get far with English.
Even “a few words” don’t bring anything and you don’t even learn the language during. This cannot be compared with Spanish or French.
After a year of intensive language course, I could be happy in my semester abroad in South Korea if I could listen to individual words.
In short, you underestimate the language barrier.
Even though I am very good in English, I have learned the language for a year and also visited a language course in Korea.
You should realize that staying in South Korea is a difficult task and requires a lot of work and preparation.
Just travel there, go to school and meet friends like here in Germany is far from reality.
I want to do it myself. First, please inform yourself enough, so something is not cheap! For example, I can recommend Stepin, which will also make conversations after your registration. Then you have to teach your mother that you want to be independent and you really want it. Before, please see that you really have the capacity to be so clear from your family. The cost is in the 5 digit range and cheaper you won’t get away either. Try to show her that you can take responsibility and also really do something for the school and you are very committed to this dream.
I hope I could help
Hey Stepin doesn’t have South Korea,
do you have other organizations that have South Korea that you can recommend?
Klaro. As far as I know EF has South Korea. Otherwise just google a bit, you’re gonna fix;)