Wie genau funktioniert ein Auslandsjahr? Also kann man sich einfach irgendein Land aussuchen? Weil ich weiß, dass ich wahrscheinlich nie eins machen werden darf, weil die teuer sind und meine Eltern sich Sorgen machen würden (lol ich wahrscheinlich auch). Aber wäre es z.B möglich ein Auslandsjahr in Kairo, Ägypten zu machen? Und das man dann einfach bei jemand aus der Familie bleibt (kp ob das irgendwer überhaupt wollen würde, ist auch nur hypothetisch und dauert eh noch). Also danke im vorraus 🙂
Yes, you usually apply to a particular country. It does not offer any organization of any country. The more exotic your country desire, the less choices you have.
My organization, for example, has the ideology that one can make great experiences in every country and explicitly encourages applicants to consider other countries as the first wish. There is also an approximate capacity for each country; if, for some reason, there are over-average applications for a given country, it may be that a second or even third request can decide whether to make an exchange year at all. Also in my vintage there were some who actually wanted to Chile but were put to Brazil, who actually wanted to New Zealand and then were placed in Australia, who actually wanted to go to Japan but then eventually went to Argentina. It is, however, not so bad that at this time, when one can go back with the country for which one is accepted, one cannot at all be able to withdraw at that time without the cost of the programme. Better to say, participation in the programme begins only when one has been proposed for a country.
Hmmm, Egypt used to offer it, but I don’t think that is an organization.
In principle, student exchange by organization is not at all with own relatives.
There are various possibilities for financing, but maybe you can think about it yourself first, whether you want to do it and then, if necessary, ask it again in a targeted way (or ask questions about it).
Okay, thanks
a year abroad in school, a student exchange, is a good idea. For your questions:
Experience. On this page you will only ask successfully in few cases. In addition, experience reports will generally help you little:
The year abroad is a larger project. In any case, the procedure shall apply: You should prepare it systematically. There are
An overview of the tasks of the exchange organisations and how to find the best provider this blog post
Best regards
Thank you, this is very helpful.
Hey, so generally you’re looking for your target country. I was abroad with EF and I could choose the place for my language trips. EF offers many different spas and spas. You can also decide whether you want to stay in a host family or campus/home. If you want to know more about the EF programs, you can order a free catalogue via this link