Ausgleichsfrei bei Feiertagen?

Hallo, ich brauche heute mal die hilfe von denen die sich ein wenig mit dem Gesetz auskennen. Es geht ja auf Weihnachten zu und ich habe mich gefragt ob man die Feiertage anderweitig frei bekommt wenn man z. B. 25.12 und 26.12 arbeiten war? Also auch wenn man eine 5 Tage Woche hat. Ich weiß das wenn man am WE arbeiten war dafür wann anders frei bekommen muss aber ob das bei Feiertagen auch so gilt? Ich mache eine Ausbildung zur PFK im Krankenhaus und weiß das hier oft andere Regeln gelten aber hierbei bin ich ahnungslos.

LG ☀

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4 months ago

There are no holidays in the hospital. It’s 24/7.

4 months ago
Reply to  dieretoure

This does not change the entitlement to compensation days for work on Sundays or holidays.

However, these compensatory days may be laid on working days which are already free of work.

4 months ago
Reply to  Familiengerd


3 months ago

So why do you send Me […].

Because this statement comes from DIR, not from the questioner!

4 months ago

I’m not the questioner! So why do you send MIR this amenity & not Sophieee900?!

4 months ago

This is in Section 11 3 ArbZG regulated:

If workers are employed on a Sunday, they must have a spare rest day which must be granted within a period of two weeks which includes the day of employment. If workers are employed on a working day holiday, they must have a substitute rest day which must be allowed within an eight-week period of employment.

In a 5 day week, however, the statutory replacement rest day does not matter, because it can fall on any job-free working day and therefore everyone can be taken as a replacement rest day almost every week during a 5 day week. Then there is no additional free day.

However, more favourable agreements are often reached for workers.