Ausgestopfte Tiere ein no go?
Stell dir vor du hast ein richtig schönes Date romantisch im Restaurant bei kerzenschein.Dann beschließt du mit ihm/ihr zu ihm/ihr nachhause zu gehen und kommst in die Wohnung und dort findest du mehrere Ausgestopfte Tiere würde das dich abschrecken oder wäre es dir egal?
Wouldn’t scare me, I’ll find some collector’s dolls more creepy.
What I have to say is that it also comes to the origin, species and age.
If the type of big game hunter, who is exhibiting his hunting trophies, I would have gone, with prepared “all-world” small animals, I would have no problem, as long as the respectfully arranged ones are, and not converted to such a tasteless as a lamp.
In the way full ok:
I don’t think so.
Great God…
No. I like animals, so why not show them to look.
In the optimal case, they didn’t just die to get stuffed out, but now that they’re dead, I can’t change it anymore and then that’s probably better than just staying somewhere.
Why would that scare me? It is allowed with editions and also useful for illustration purposes. I think it is great that I can touch and look at animals in such a way.
That would scare me, I would push everything…
No, that’s an absolute nogo, but that’s what you look at most guys.
What do you look at?
What do you recognize a hunter?
What kind of animals and how? What’s my date? Old preparations often contain arsenic and must be kept closed. Opa had an ancient bear fur in the hallway from which no one knew where it came from. I find something so exciting.
If he’s a pumpkin or a hunter, preparations can also be expected somehow. But if he is an enthusiastic big game hunter, it won’t work with us.
It wouldn’t bother me if I were to move in with him. Because I think such stuffed animals are pure dust collectors you never get clean! And as I’m so insanely dusting off, I’ve already felt it a little bit as an ambiguity if I would have to deal with the responsible dust utensils about the stuffed animals! I would probably exchange them with time all against beautiful sculptures and small works of art! So it might come to a point of dispute! What I regret, but still do not follow! Things should be gone!
No, not more. If I’m not just a deer to look directly at…
You used to do that and maybe it was prepared by your dad or grandpa or uncle.
You don’t throw anything like that.
I’ve seen some mackerel.
an acquaintance had a small wave and when the deceased, she actually had it so prepared.
He was on top of it in her kitchen. 🥺
My uncle had a lot of things. Too many puppets with uniforms, because it could be grussian.Before all the animals were his deceased dobermen.He loved them insanely and invested in crowds with illness….we can sometimes not understand what others do.But we can accept a lot of 😉
Earlier, by the way, this had very,very many.Jäger,Schlösser….there were other “deco” than today.
It could trigger nightmares to stay there.
I had a classmate who had loud animal skulls in the children’s room, so only the bones, and the beautifully colourful painted.
I actually find something so pretty and if I had the money, there would be a lot in my apartment. Do not have a problem with
No, I’m not scared.
We used to have a stuffed roof and a stuffed marten (both beautiful animals). I thought it was okay.
I don’t like them, because of the hygiene, they could be colonized by mites and the like.
That would really scare me. Leichname is not a decoration for me.
I wouldn’t want to live there. Follow the other arrangement.
It wouldn’t bother me, I think that’s very interesting.
my taste would not be, but what should be.
I think this makes a person very unattractive in my eyes when that is an interest of my counterpart. I’m referring to the character and mindset. Therefore, this would have a deterrent effect on me.
It has nothing to do with a character.On the contrary, evil people are family men,etc..
I don’t say it reveals evil traits or leaves a bad impression. In my eyes it makes character and mindset unattractive.
This can also be done in your eyes☺️I don’t think it’s nice.Can it sometimes understand….
I don’t give a shit.
I don’t care
Yesi…Stop me…😌🐥
that’s what serial killers have in the apartment…
This creates false stamps and judgments.
If you think about it when we lose an animal, which is often like a child and usually the most loyal friend, it is even good for psyche and heart to have an animal with you.But I have and don’t want to….
from approx. 7 years you are in the position to understand satire and irony…you have also read “more stuffed animals”…
you just didn’t understand…
Irony is not here.I love the irony 😉
No,it’s exactly my answer.s.oben😉and irony I love.Here is no 😉