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Ich schreibe eine Geschichte über ein Werwolfs-Internat und brauche noch Schulfächer die an einer abgelegenen Schule mitten im Wald passend wären
Ich schreibe eine Geschichte über ein Werwolfs-Internat und brauche noch Schulfächer die an einer abgelegenen Schule mitten im Wald passend wären
Hast du Lust dich die Tage mal zu treffen?
Wir fahren dort zur klassenfahrt und ich wollte wissen ob es dort Fernseher gibt(und falls ihr das zufällig wisst, ob die HDMI haben). Ich bin in einem vierer Zimmer falls das hilft. Vielen Dank 😉
Stellt euch mal vor ihr geht normal in die schule, zeigt aber eure Gefühle nicht und tut so als wäre alles in ordnung mit euch. Ihr geht also dort hin sitzt für stunden alleine auf eurem platz, niemand will gefühlt mit euch reden. Man will mit jemanden reden traut sich aber nicht. Dann geht man…
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The question is at this point, do you need special subjects? Or is it enough to easily modify existing ones?
You need to ask why the respective subject is being taught. And if there’s enough fabric to fill your own compartment.
Something like “Werwolf Science” could also be a subject within biology.
“Werwolf history” could also be part of regular history lessons. “Kampf” in Sport.
You have to ask yourself what is the goal of this class. It’s about learning how to survive as a werewolf in the real world. (What do you do when you turn, so you don’t hurt a person? And how can you blur his tracks when it happens? Can you learn to suppress the transformation or to control yourself as a wolf?) Or do your wolves have no problems here and it’s just a kind of enlightenment to understand that better? In this case you could also simply make a werewolf subject (here it could also be at a school to which normal people also go. The subject is then simply taught after the regular school.) Is it also about getting through as a wolf?
The question is, what story do you want to tell? Do you want to go in the direction of Woodwalkers, just with a wolf-shape converter? Or are they wolves that somehow have to come to life, even though they turn into wild creatures at full moon?
But here a few compartments or Ideas what you could teach.
Perhaps e.g. ruddle so that they know how to behave in a ruddly or hunting client declares themselves credible
By the way, I also write such a story, so wolves but also normal wolves =)
Write a school plan like you would like to have lessons. Delete the ones you’ve learned as meaningless and superfluous and add useful subjects.
Animal-like behaviors can then be taught as afternoon lessons. How to behave other animals, reading traces, refugees, attack, disperse, interact with fellows, etc.
It’s best to look at a few docuses.
Depends on what these wolves do. But something like plant science or ferry reading would not be wrong if they are very much in nature.
Otherwise, if necessary. Playing lessons when they move quite normal in society and this werewolf existence has some effect.
Converting instrument
Hunting and fighting
Werewolf language
Adjustment instrument
History of Werwölfe
Hunting maybe
would be a good subject
Plant science.
Animal science.
Night orientation / orientation.