Ausgaben Lebensmittel pro Monat als Single?
wieviel gebt ihr im Monat für Essen und Trinken aus, besonders als Alleinlebend?
wieviel gebt ihr im Monat für Essen und Trinken aus, besonders als Alleinlebend?
Preußen. Joachim II. Reichsguldiner 1551, zu 72 Kreuzern. Durchmesser: 30,70cm Dicke: 2mm Auf zu kleinem Rohling geprägt. Rückseite blank und glatt. Ist das hier als nur Medaille aus späteren Zeiten anzusehen ????? 🤔 Etwas wert ? 🤔
Guten Abend, ich hatte heute vor eigentlich nichts zu essen, weil ich mich von jemanden sehr gemobbt gefühlt habe. Nachdem ich heute gegessen habe, wollte ich mich dann direkt übergeben aber ich hatte zu Angst dafür. Ich hatte mehrmals diese Gedanke, dass ich zu f€tt sei seitdem meine Familie damit angefangen hat. Seit ich 11/12…
Wenn ich heute überlege, eine Ausbildung im Bereich Mediengestaltung in Bild und Ton zu machen, stellt sich mir die Frage: Hat dieser Beruf überhaupt noch eine Zukunft? Gibt es in ein paar Jahren genügend Jobs, die auch einigermaßen sicher sind, oder ist das Risiko hoch, dass Maschinen und Programme uns in diesem Bereich die Arbeit…
jeder kommt natürlich zu kurz, daher die Forderung mit dem ICE für Fernpendler.. und dem 9 € Ticket auch für sie, um Porschefahrern zukünftig auch ein “Sozialabo” schmackhaft zu machen, aber haben “Fernpendler” nicht sowieso schon einen Deal mit ihrem Arbeitgeber (AG), wenn sie die Hälfte des Tages auf der Autobahn “abhängen”?
Approximately c.a 100€ a month, if you look at offers, discounts targeted you can save a lot (this is just food)
because we plant a lot of ourselves in our garden, we often eat only seasonal
Spend 100€ on average for all things of daily need per month. For over 10 years, I’ve been in trouble with this. And that with a balanced, healthy and varied meanwhile vegan diet (even with animal products I don’t care about it).
May I ask how you can do this with 100Euro?
Cook fresh and buy nix ready. Make a lot of yourself, pay attention to offers and MHD goods, buy fruit/ vegetables after season, little (in my case no) animal products, ….
i.e. minimum no drinks from tap water, for breakfast there are never fresh rolls, butter. … and renouncement of many, including vegans, which just tastes.
No thanks
But there are fresh rolls and almost daily. Pretty fresh. Drinks are also bought, but rare (for sodaStream in the house).
I don’t care about nix 🤷🏼
I don’t like jams on bread/breads because I’m not saturated. Cheese or honey I do not buy animal product (but rarely to the vegan counterpart). Beverages 2-3x a year nen 6 pack 🤷🏼 for birthday or Christmas.
I also bake my rolls myself, but if you still buy drinks, I doubt your bill
No cheese on the rolls, also jam and honey is not cheap
Alcoholic drinks are very rare. And soft drinks for your birthday or Christmas. But not for cost reasons, but because I don’t really like it and also don’t agree.
Thank you. I can also imagine that the conscious release of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages saves much
50 € Weekly purchase + 10-15 € Mensa (week)
So about 240 € month.Can also be that it is more or less.
Supplements, dinners and celebrations (alcohol) goes on extra.
Two more than 200€.
About 250€! – I always cook myself and try to live very healthy.
I think the 300-400€ per month are normal for Til needs
That’s about 300 – 350 euros in the area.
With me it was 200
10 years ago?
No generally for me only eat and drink would be enough. Of course, if you eat almost food or just outside it is not enough
As I said, I have not been living at home for 24 years. Have family and can only say it is. We cook and eat mostly balanced and healthy. You don’t always have to buy expensive for it, and if you’re alone, it’s as much less as if you have kids or is just two. My aunt bought weekly for over 200€ eating one with only man without children until you have come to pay more than 50 bits for prices
A reasonable stew costs well 15€
I think you should run a household book, your bill doesn’t fit in the front and back.
I’ve been living since I was 16 no longer at home… then 15€ a week for me alone without starving. Now, it’s 50. I’m gonna spend 100 years with a kid and a man. Food quite normal
But I can. Fresh is cheaper than finished. Every day meat is not available anyway…. Clearly everything has become more expensive but for a person it does not take much compared to family with child. Here a bread at the baker costs 2€.
Depends on what you buy and how long it is. If I make a stew, the 2 days will be
You can’t cook for three euros a day, not fresh.
Maybe if you get ready to eat.
I just bought at the discounter what fruit, salad, natural yogurt, milk, drinks, bit meat, tuna, pasted tomatoes, noodles and from 40€. that’s not enough for the whole week.
A fresh bread from bakers does not cost the body below €6
But it does. Cook 3€ each day,2 Euro fruit zb 1 Euro bread and covering. 2€ other. Only as an example… are more times less about 50 a week
That’s not enough.
Especially when you go buy fresh fruit and vegetables.
ca 600
Approximately 170€
Perhaps even less eat not than too much and usually only the same food.
I don’t know what I need, today some fruit from the mark was 30€
As a single I spent about 300-400€ a month.
Addendum: Only for food! You also need hygiene articles (soap, shampoo, shower gel, toilet paper, etc.) and other things (washing agent, sink, cleaner, etc.).
50 euro.
For 5 days
because you’ll get your food with Mom
Very grown up with your mamajokes.