
Hi ich weiß Ausfluss ist normal und gesund und soweiter aber mir ist des halt schon unangenehm. An die Jungs: findet ihr das ekelig? Wenn mich mein Freund anfasst ist mir das nicht so unangenehm, weil ich ihm ja vertrauen kann und mich fallen lassen kann aber trotzdem stört es mich. Was kann ich tun?

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7 months ago


This is called white flow and the white stuff itself is cervical mucus. This is very important for your vagina. The cervix mucus forms around your mother’s mouth (Zervix) and when it comes out the white river.

What’s good for? This is the immune system of your vagina. He moistens your vaginal interior and when he comes out he also flushes bacteria, mushrooms etc. with out. When bacteria try to penetrate, some stay stuck in it and don’t come any further so they are brought out again. So he cleanses and moistens them and protects them from infects.

He’s not just good for it. If you have your period and cycle, it changes during your cycle in a very specific pattern (solid, dry, white, yellow, much, little, liquid, clear, slimy, thread-drawing etc.) and with this pattern you can then determine if you have your ovulation or if it is already around. This is important if you have intercourse at some point because so you can say if you can get pregnant or not (depending on your desire or not. I still recommend using a condom for security if you don’t want to get pregnant.)

When sperm try to get into the womb through your mother’s mouth, they only have to pass through the white river. Is this thick and solid some come not far (as bacteria also) and are transported out again. During your ovulation it is clear and liquid so sperm can easily pass through.

What is also good at the white flux is that you recognize diseases and infections with it. If you know your outflow at some point you will notice quickly if it is different than usual. You can then see if you have a fungal infection or the like.

If he should bother you, you can use a so-called slip insert so that it doesn’t make your underpants so dirty and feels more dry. You have the white flux until you die and you don’t have the same period.

Slip inserts look like this:

You can buy them in any drugstore and even in the drugstore departments of supermarkets such as Edeka, Aldi, Lidl etc. I recommend the brand Jessa, Elkos and Cosmea.


I hope I could help you 🙃

If you have any questions, you can send me a friend’s request and write to me privately.

Good luck 🍀



7 months ago

No why should this be gross is normal jz is not so horny to swallow I mean with us also comes regularly cum out of dick and that should not be gross but outflow or something

7 months ago

You can’t do anything about it! That’s what’s normal with us girls/women

Lg Mia