Außenvoliere Wellensittiche?


ich habe vor eine Außenvoliere für meine Wellis zu bauen. Würden 9 Quadratmeter Flugfläche inklusive Schutzraum für 6 Wellensittiche ausreichen? Gibt es im Winter besonderes zu beachten, z.B. sollte im Schutzraum eine Wärmelampe oder ähnliches angebracht werden?

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6 years ago


For 6 wave tracts, 9 square meters of base area of the volunteers are more than sufficient with regard to the conventional posture in captivity.

The difference to other types of posture is that the waves can fly better here.

That’s why it’s as long as possible.

The joy of flying your birds will thank you.

Best regards


6 years ago

The accommodation in an outdoor area is the best way to keep waves.

This type of accommodation is the healthiest for waves.

The external gases should therefore be kept as large as possible.

The volunteers should be long enough to create long routes.

The protective room should remain temperature-controlled in winter – so frost-free.

The more massive the shelter is built, the less heat loss occurs in winter.

The size of the shelter should at least be so large that the animal caregiver can ensure the care of the animals inside.

A lock on the outside door should be absolutely present, so that no waves can escape uncontrolled.

There are a whole series of older books on volunteering, which always provide very good services as ideas and expert guides.

In the books, you will find many valuable information about orientation, weathering, protection from vermins and enemies, wiring and others.

I strongly recommend not to act overthrown, but to read such a specialist book beforehand.

Best regards


6 years ago

The size would be a bit too small 2 or 3 m2 more would be good.

Actually, you should isolate the protective room so warm that it is not too cold. Shaft tracts can also stay outside for up to -10 degrees if they are used to an external runner.