Ausbildung zur Pflegefachkraft abbrechen und Pflegehelfer lerne. 1 Jahr ohne vorherige abgeschlossene Ausbildung?
Ist das möglich ich mache momentan die Ausbildung zur Pflegefachkraft und wöllte falls ich die Zwischenprüfung (2 Lehrjahr) nicht Schaffen sollte die Ausbildung zur Pflegehilfskraft machen denkt ihr das geht als 1 jährige Ausbildung weil eigentlich geht ja die Ausbildung 2 Jahre
The nurses work as unskilled workers in care. When there was the separate training regulation, there was the elderly care hero and the nursing assistant. In 2020, the vocational training for old-age care and nursing was merged and regulated in the nursing profession law applicable from 01.01.2020. Thus, the status of nursing aid training has also changed, and the training ends with the professional name nursing assistant. This training takes 2 years in full-time education and ends with a state degree examination. If you need more detailed information, I recommend this link.
The information is wrong. The training for the nursing assistant lasts 1 year. However, there is a 2 year variant for people with language barriers or people without school graduation.
You can, of course, cancel and do one-year training. That’s not a problem. There are also exams that are not so easy.
What do you mean? How a kind of intermediate examination or qualification examination?
One-year training is also completed with an exam.