Ausbildung zur Krankenpflege?

Ich wäre gerne einmal Krankenschwester und wollte fragen, ob die Ausbildung dazu sehr schwer ist? Ich bin aktuell auf dem Gymnasium (weiß aber noch nicht ob ich das Abitur machen werde) und habe Angst, dass es sehr viel zum lernen ist.
Hat jemand da Erfahrungen gesammelt und kann mir sagen, wie es mit dem Stoff, dem Lernen und mit dem Beruf allgemein ist?☺️

vielen Dank im Voraus!

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4 months ago

The training is good, even with lower schooling. I don’t know anyone who’s been through, and I’ve looked after interns and trainees in nursing. :

4 months ago

Without knowing the exact requirements: If you’re on the gymnasium, you’ll have to learn a little more at G9 than, for example, real students in the corresponding. Class level (at G8 even more). This training should be designed for people with medium maturity. That is, I assume that your training will be a bit easier than e.g. a real student with similar MR notes like you.

Nevertheless, it is of course not a mistake to inform yourself beforehand.


1 month ago

So just do the subject class 11 or 12 and then you can even become a doctor if you are studying in Austria.

4 months ago

There is one thing you need to remember: there is no more pure nursing training.

This is now the generalized nursing training that includes nursing, care for children and care for the elderly. So it’s a lot at school.

In practice, on the other hand, you work at a place, e.g. in the hospital, whether that is for you, you can most likely find out in an internship.

4 months ago

You can find out if you do an internship in the care. Is definitely a training you do and if you want to study next to work.